Podcamp 2007....turning people into podcasters and name droppers

I went to podcamp having no idea what to expect. I mean it was going to be a big meeting of local and not so local podcasters, bloggers, vloggers and people who think all that stuff is cool and want to get involved. At first I thought it was going to be a bunch of classes set up by the groups organizing it and in between we would get to talk to each other about our shows and blogs and things like that. That was back when I first heard about it. Then through emails, forums and talking with people who have gone to or know people who went to podcamp Boston I realized this would be different. I still wasn't sure how different until the sessions started popping up on the wiki page. *This is the part where I become a name dropper.* First off I saw that the cast of Something to be Desired had signed on. Justin Kownacki and Chris Brogan were two of many people behind getting podcam up and running. They were also two of the most approachable people I have ever met. Justin seemed to be everywhere. On Saturday I he seemed to come in at the last minute of every session I was in to let us know that the time was almost up or that lunch was ready. Chris seemed to be having as much fun as any of the rest of us when he was giving a presentation or if he was at one. He also does a great Luke Skywalker impersenation, but don't tell George Lucas or Mark Hamill when he is not working for or promoting Network 2 or working on his site. They were both involved in many of the sessions and most of the activities over the weekend. Everyone from someone who had never blogged or done a podcast to people who had could create a session. Alex Lyndsay a Twit *This Week in Tech for those who don't know* and host of TWIM, This Week in Media was busy doing sessions through the day on Saturday. Before podcamp listening to the twit shows, no matter how corny this sounds and Leo even brough it up in his speech at the PME, they and many other shows I listened to made me feel like we were all on a level playing field. It wasn't the big shows versus the little shows. Podcamp re-enforced that. After the Alex's session was over I was able to talk to him which in a geeky way was something that at first made me nervous. After a while though I realized that no one there thought they were better them me, except the DJ G, he thinks he has the best podcast in all of Bloomfield. Just kidding G, and yes I downloaded your show. From that point on, except, to be honest, when I heard the words La La is here, I get nervous around beautiful women ok, I was feeling comfortable talking to everyone. Next year I might even host my own session....well don't hold me to that. I just hope that no one gets hit with a chair like they did at the Wrestling Mayhem Show's session. I only saw a picture of some of what went on but next year I want to be there, somewhere toward the back so I don't get hit but I want to be there. Michael Sorg, Doc Remedy, Chad "the Shad", Will "Lunchbox" Rutherford, Anthony "Chachi" Walker, and Kyle Morton do their show in podcast form and on WPAJ radio,showing a new side radio shows in giving people an archive to listen to shows they may have missed or not been near a radio to hear.
I feel bad now, I got this far into my look back and I forgot to say Happy Birthday to the Blowing Smoke Podcast hosted by Rob Heming and wish good luck to Jeff Persch on Podsea, a site that helps podcasters get together with advertisers, its in Beta now but I bet it won't be by podcamp 2007.
Now your probably thinking to yourself this is podcamp and I am reading a blog, were bloggers involved with podcamp? YES, in a big way. The Pittsburgh bloggers were represented in a big way by Lindsay Patross from IheartPGH.com , Mike Woychek and Cynthia Closkey founders of Pittsburgh Bloggers were there, and Elizabeth Perry *with her junior assistant Piper Stroup* took part in one of the sessions. Thats just four bloggers out of many who contribute to the Pittsburgh side of blogging. There are many more like them and hopefully podcamp started some new ones off in the right direction.
Podcamp overall was a great experience. I already tried 2x today to register for Podcamp 2, but its not ready yet. I will be on there day one. Two days was not enough, I think most of us could have went on forever.
And thanks to podcamp, starting today I am blogging again.
Thank you Chris, Justin, Pittsburgh Filmakers, all the people who had sessions, all the sponsors and how can I forget..................................
The guy who brought around the cookies......they were great. Next year I am bringing some milk with me.

See you in August 2007
Chris: glad to hear you enjoyed the event so much! I know a lot of people came in unsure of what to expect, and I think most of them left with the feeling of cameraderie and excitement that we were hoping to foster. PodCamp is nothing without the people, and the people we had in Pittsburgh were a great, inclusive and creative group.
I'm also glad you mentioned the presence of the bloggers, without whom the event would have felt lopsided. Keeping bloggers and photographers in the conversation is vital because podcasting is just one way to tell a story. I'm more interested in allowing people to find the BEST way to tell their stories, and that includes all media.
Thanks for coming to PodCamp Pittsburgh and we look forward to having you for PCPGH2! (And we'll put that registration page up... now.)
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