A little bit of everything reviews....and other stuff.

My blog is basically a mix of reviews and typical day to day blog entries. I will review things every once in a while especially new games and movies. Mostly this blog will be full of my opinions and rants on things I come across on a daily basis.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Good or bad...or why am I talking about this now when its only August?

I have been watching all the comercials, mini trailers and reading the ads about all the new shows and network shakeups for the upcoming fall season. Some things look promising, but seeing Matthew Perry get slapped and seeing a bunch of hot women flash on the screen one after another for example in the new NBC ad does not make me go out and buy a tivo and set it to tape NBC 24/7. I hope some of those shows pan out, since every year I get excited about something on NBC, and like clockwork that show bombs. REMEMBER JOEY!!! I like Joey, on friends and even for a little while on JOEY, then BOOM....it crashed and burned.

I am more worried about the new CW. It could be great with shows like Smallville, Everybody Hates Chris, Supernatural, Gilmore Girls and some new shows. I am still worried about one of my new favorite shows, Veronica Mars. Yes I am a bandwagon jumper but this show deserves to have people watching it and buying the dvds. Its a well written, very well put together show. I just hope it stays. I have heard everything from its going to CBS to its being cancelled. Keep this show, worst off if the execs think its not worthy, keep it till one of the shows they think is worthy tanks like JOEY did, then the fans of Veronica Mars will show you why you made the right choice.


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