Your name in lights

Everyone wants to have their name in lights, or their name on the spine of a book, somewhere that will show that they did something big. Some people get their name in lights and its the happiest day of their life. A big Hollywood premiere, a major book release or a newspaper byline may be a person's turn to have their name up there for everyone to see. Some people seem to have their names up there all the time.
Sometimes people have their names in lights and its a moment of sadness and happiness all wrapped into one. That is the story of Issue #26 of Batman Superman, written by Sam Loeb. Most comic book fans out there know his story (if you don't click on his name and read his story from Newsarama's and his father viewpoint). He is the son of Jeph Loeb who finally got his name in print just like his dad. He worked on a story that brought Robin and Superboy back together for one last time. It gave fans of Superboy another chance to see him in action even after his death in Infinite Crisis. The story was written by a boy who fullfilled many comic book fan's dreams, to have their name on the cover of a comic book. Its something that no one can take away from him. He will always be known as Jeph Loeb's son, the author of issue #26 of Batman/Superman.
One of Sam's favorite characters, Superboy, died trying to save the world and his friend Robin. Sam died living a life that made people smile, and wrote a comic that did too.

*everything below was taken from the Newsarama article on Sam Loeb*
If you want to know more about The Sam Loeb College Scholarship Fund, or if you want to make a donation no matter how large or small, please send an email to SAMLOEB4@AOL.COM. Someone will contact you ASAP.
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