A little bit of everything reviews....and other stuff.

My blog is basically a mix of reviews and typical day to day blog entries. I will review things every once in a while especially new games and movies. Mostly this blog will be full of my opinions and rants on things I come across on a daily basis.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Gaming....am I just a fanboy or is it that good?

When I buy a game it could be for many reasons. It could be because I read a great review on it from a couple sources I trust. It could be because I played the previous game in the series and loved it. Sometimes I just read so much about a game and hear so much on podcasts and tv shows that I just want the game and I buy it. And sometimes I rent them and like them so much I want to own them. The one thing that is the same no matter what my reason is for buying the game is that once I buy a game my goal is to enjoy it as much as possible and finish the game, if it has an end and hopefully enjoy it enough to play it over again several times.

Some games you buy, you play, you finish and then you trade in at your local store or you just let them sit. If you get a game that you want to finish again and you enjoy it as much the 2nd, 3rd and so on times through it then you picked a winner. In this case for me so far the Halo series has been that for me. I will be honest, I bought the first Halo used a week after I got my xbox at least a year or 2 after Halo was first released. I got it because at the time and to some it still is now, the face of Xbox gaming. I always loved shooters but thought most of that were just shootem ups and had no story, plot or anything besides big explosions and occasional blood. Now this may be the fanboy in me but I really got hooked on the story and the characters in the Halo series. Master Chief was the leader of an army that faced a force that looked like with its weapons and just pure numbers were going to wipe the humans out. Then there were scenes in the game where you beat the odds, like any other game but you did it with the help of characters that as the game moved on you began to like. Especially in Halo 2 when the fight is brought to earth and the Marines fighting along side show their pride and go out and fight even when giant 4 legged robots walk down their streets smashing everything in site. And I know alot of people didn't like this but seeing things from the other side made the story open up even more and showed a brewing civil war that I know will have a huge impact on Halo 3.

If Halo 3 is the end of the series I will not be upset, casue I know it will go out with a bang. If its not the end I hope the guys at Bungie can promise me one thing...no more cliffhangers. Well I am off to play some Halo 2. CYA


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