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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Top 10 Movies that Should be Comics

Movies and comics have been longtime bedfellows. Just as more and more comic books are made into movies, a lot more films are also being translated into comic books. It began in the late '70s with Star Wars, continued in the '80s with Indiana Jones and has blossomed into its own sub-genre in the new millennium.

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When I first saw this story on Digg I thought it was gonna a be a list about the reverse, comics that should be movies. I was clicking on alot of stories when I first read it. The idea of movies being made into comics though sounds interesting to me. The first five on the list
10. Half Life/Deus Ex
9. The Transporter
8. Bourne Again *Bourne Identity, Supremecy*
7. Blade of the Immortal's
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I could see Half Life and Deus Ex being like a cross between Batman and the X-men. Deus Ex has some stealthy detective elements to it while at the same time you may get attacked by some monsters. Half Life is a you against the establishment kind of story, which is a small part of Batman's story on occasion, but other times you run around guns a blazing killing everything in site which is a theme that some comics like the Punisher use on occasion when he is pissed off. I could see these making a good comic as long as they made the characters deep and especially in half life made you like the characters in the resistance and feel for them when they were pushed back or seemed to be against overwhelming odds even when you know or at least feel they will win in the end.

9. The Transporter I can also see as a comic to a point. There are comics out there (from what I heard) like 100 Bullets that have self contained stories within each issue with some bits of a bigger story running in the background. That would work for The Transporter. It could be one story each month with the real deep background story of the Transporter developing in the background.

8. The Bourne Series I see as maybe a limited series once a year or so with the chance of being an ongoing series if the character of Bourne would be drawn out and given a chance to expand his character issue to issue and get closer to the truth while doing it.

7. Blade of the Immortal's
I have to be honest. I have never seen or heard of this movie.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly I can see making a decent comic. There are a few western themed comics already out there. It could work since it already has a solid leading character, it would just depend on how the character was developed in the comic and always improved on each issue.

The next 5 are:
5. Unbreakable
4. The Princess Bride
3. Kill Bill
2. Blade Runner
1. Pulp Fiction

5. Unbreakable I can see being made into a movie but like most of the others listed before it all depends on character development. You would almost have to retell the whole movie in the first 5 issues or so and then move on and strengthen the characters from there. You would also have to be very careful what "villans" if that would really be what you would call them, could be added after the first story arc is over.

4. The Princess Bride is a great movie. I am not sure if it would make a great comic. It might make a good comic in the Teen Titans GO format but I would hate to see them look that cartoonish and not be drawn like they could be. I think its better off left on the big screen and on the shelf with my other dvds.

3. Kill Bill could only make a limited series in my eyes. I mean unless you plan on having her kill a 100 ninjas and some not so super villan every issue or two and always be trying to get to Bill, but that would get old really fast. Quinton probably could think up a good plot and group of characters for a comic, but this is not it.

2. Blade Runner could make a good comic. It is about a futuristic world and a small group of people within it. The base group could easily be expanded throughout the comic and other "villans" could be created after the actual movie story arc was completed but they would have to be deep and drawn out like the movie's story line was or the next story arc would never live up to the original.

1. Pulp Fiction to me would be like making a comic of the Sopranos. The jokes and one liners would still be there, but the attitude and emotion may not come across. I mean if you can show sarcasm, anger and other emotions felt by the characters in each scene well, you might have something. I think Pulp fiction would have to be almost to adult to be a good comic and is better off staying on screen.


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