A little bit of everything reviews....and other stuff.

My blog is basically a mix of reviews and typical day to day blog entries. I will review things every once in a while especially new games and movies. Mostly this blog will be full of my opinions and rants on things I come across on a daily basis.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Civil War on NPR

When it comes to interview that can peak your interest without giving you any specific details the interview today on NPR with writer Paul Jenkins and Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada. The only real information about Civil War they gave was that Thor may make an appearence even though he is not really around. Now this may be the comic fanboy coming out of me but I was still excited about Civil War after hearing the very short interview. To me it was more important that Marvel is getting out there. They are not just sitting back and letting the message boards, blogs and the comic store owners spread the word about what is going on in their universe. They are out there pushing on their own. Showing that this story has some real world connections. Also something that is obvious but the fact that this is such a huge story but there is not a true villan in this story makes it even more interesting. In the end someone has to win and no matter what there will be people on both sides of this in the begining and I believe some of them like the characters in the story will change sides as things move on. It will be interesting to see how they end it and what "collateral damage" is done at the end. Things will change each month but I can't wait to see how the Marvel Universe looks in the end.


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