A little bit of everything reviews....and other stuff.

My blog is basically a mix of reviews and typical day to day blog entries. I will review things every once in a while especially new games and movies. Mostly this blog will be full of my opinions and rants on things I come across on a daily basis.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

ifanboy.com the comic book podcast and website

This podcast was introduced to me by my friend Dave. He mentioned that it was a good, non-biased show that makes marvels little press confrences on tape podcast look worse then it already does. Now the non-biased part is not completely true. The guys as a group are not biased. They cover everything from X-men to Justice League, Runaways *well kinda* to Y-the last man. Individually they are a bit biased. I mean some are more on the Marvel side of things, some on DC, some indy, and some no matter how good Batman is will not read it because they are too "overwhelmed" with the X-men part of the comic book universe. It's ok Ron, Conor and Josh do a great job keeping their audience entertained and informed. They don't just stick with the big name, well known comics that everyone knows about. They bring up comics like Queen and Country that I know most casual comic fans have never heard of.

Their website is during most weeks filled with as much information as the show. The threads that run on their start some of the best debates you will find when it comes to comics. New School vs Old School to what unknown trades do you read. I am printing out that one to take with me to the comicon.

Give these guys a chance and download ifanboy on itunes or straight off of ifanboy.com

Its a good show and the site will pull you in.

PS I did not praise these guys because I won the 100 frappr person contest. Now if the prize I get is awesome then I will write another review and tell you how GODLY these guys are.
Thanks. see you next blog


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