Civil War update **SPOILERS***
I have been back in comics for a months now. Dave and I went to the comicon, met Brian Bendis, saw and bought tons of comics and heard about the beginings of civil war. We have even done an episode and a half of our podcast, THATS GOOD TO KNOW, shamelss plug, about it. Civil War has been good so far. I mean Captain America surfer a fighter jet from shield headquarters, disguised himself in order to free the Young Avengers from custody.....ohh and SPIDERMAN REVEALED HIS IDENTITY!!!! Now in the movies, these things happen on smaller scales. Spiderman on the subway car in Spiderman 2, and the end half with Peter and the Goblin and the dinner scene. But this was in front of tv cameras. Now I know it can be erased with some time warp, a new earth being formed...wait thats DC, or with Infinity Gems,,,,REALLY? I just hope that whereever they take this, its intresting. I will always be a fan of Spiderman just like I will be a fan of X-men, comics and movies. I just hope that the story continues to twist and turn and make me crazy waiting for the next months issue. This and New Avengers Disaassmbled are two of many comics I am looking forward to in the next few months.
Comics are one of the greatest things ever created. When can you get all the coverage on one thing like the Spidey identity thing did when it came out. Where can you get people in an uproar that a person is now a lipstick lesbian. And where can you have a story that becomes one of the funniest stories on The Colbert Report I have seen in a long time. If you want to see it go to this link and watch the clip. Its great.
Keep reading and keep listening.....THAT's GOOD TO KNOW!!!
Seeing these kind of posts reminds me of just how technology truly is something we cannot live without in this day and age, and I think it is safe to say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes less expensive, the possibility of copying our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could experience in my lifetime.
(Submitted by NDSBro for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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