Alive in Baghdad

When you watch the news, local or world news or cable news (not the Daily Show or Colbert) do you feel like your getting the whole story? I am not trying to use my blog to start any political debate. I feel that everyone has their own opinions and without them most blogs and podcasts and good tv shows would not exsist. I do want to point everyone, no matter what side of the war you are on to a different perspective on things in Iraq. If your open minded enough and want to see things from an Iraqi's perspective then go to Alive in Baghdad. Its a great video series started by Brian Conley, winner of 7 Vloggies. Brian gave a few people in Iraq cameras in order to film their side of the was in iraq. Its was not made to show anything more then their perspective. Give it a chance and maybe you will want to see more news from more areas from BOTH sides of things, not just our view.
Alive in Baghdad
we have just posted an inteview with brian, he's really cool and smart and brave
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
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