Heroes among us
My blog is basically a mix of reviews and typical day to day blog entries. I will review things every once in a while especially new games and movies. Mostly this blog will be full of my opinions and rants on things I come across on a daily basis.
According to Frankie at bungi:
Labels: bungi, halo, halo 2, halo 3, major nelson, microsoft, xbox 360, xbox live
Labels: bungi, gamertags, halo, halo 2, halo 3, microsoft, video games, xbox 360, xbox live, xbox.com
Smallville has been one of my favorite shows since the day it first aired. Over the years I would miss an episode here and there but catch it reruns. This year I missed a few too many I think. Then tonight I went on youtube and found a bunch of videos for the finale and a BIZARRO episode? ??? Does that really exsist? Either way I am psyched now. I have 2 episodes on tape and the finale this week. Take a look at these videos and see what you think.
Two Villans and two heroes?