Tribute to James Kim

**This is a copy of a forum post I posted to cnet's BOL Lounge but I felt it should be posted here too**
There have been many incredible, emotional tributes to James over the last few days. I am still a bit emotional from watching Molly's Eulogy. I think that us, the BOL-ers, and anyone else on the cnet forums, crave forums, forums, everyone who has heard of James Kim needs to pay tribute to him. James' death reminds me of when our Mayor O'connor here in Pittsburgh died. Many people were sad and grieved his lose. The one thing that seemed to sprout up all over town around the time before and right after his death were the outpouring of happy stories about the mayor. How he made a difference in so many people's lives. Now most of us have never met James in person, but in some way he effected our lives. We may have watched his reviews on cnettv, we may have heard him on a podcast or ever just heard Tom, Molly or Veronica talk about him on BOL. We all got closer to James through the site, the podcasts, and the forums. This site and these forums feel like an extended family to me sometimes, and James was a happy, always smiling, always mentioning his kids part of that family. So here is what I think we ALL need to do.
1. If you have a blog, podcast, website, plane with a banner hanging off the back of it, billboard, anything, get the word out about James. Tell someone a happy story about James. Everyone is so sad and upset now from James' death that we all need to remember and think about the good times, without forgetting what has happened. So spread the word.
2. If you go to forums for other podcasts or other tech sites or anything and they have a general news or off topic section, post something about James there. Tell a happy story, even one you may have heard from someone the cnet staff in their blog or forum post.
Let everyone know that there are happy, fun to work with people out there. There are good fathers and husbands who put their families before themselves and do anything they can for them.
3. If you do any of the above things, post a link to the cnet tributes and to the site so people can help them out. I know its the holiday time of the year and money is tight, but can you look at the pictures of James and his wife and kids and not want to do something for them.
That is my idea. If anyone wants to comment on it, add to it or tell me why its a bad idea please do.
We will all miss you James.
My thoughts and prayes are with the families and with everyone here at Cnet.